And, here is a butterfly themed text effect done with Adobe Firefly.

Experimenting with Adobe Firefly this afternoon. I like the text effects one can generate quickly. Yes, this is ant themed.

Happy Pi Day everyone. Found out yesterday, there is also a Mole Day on October 23 celebrating Avogadro’s Number. Runs from 6:02 am to 6:02 pm. Who else knew this?

September SANS OUCH newseltter is now available. The focus this month is on backups. Disclosure, I review this newsletter each month before it is published and suggest potential changes/ improvements.

January OUCH newsletter focuses on how to spot and stop messaging attacks. Your thoughts on this topic?

Disclosure - I am a reviewer of this newsletter and suggest improvements before it is published.

Wondering how common this exploit might actually be? Don’t copy and paste commands from a web page. Has anyone encountered this?

December SANS OUCH newsletter now available - Top cypersecurity tips for vacations Yes, I am one of the reviewers for this newsletter.

Thinking about implications of this hack (assuming this is true and the magnitude described). Company that routes billions of text messages quietly says it was hacked

I found this article most interesting. Holodeck anyone?

Glad to see WordCamp US is scheduled for October 1, 2021. One day virtual event. And… it is free.

July SANS OUCH newsletter is now available. Topic is securing your mobile devices. Disclosure, I review this content and offer suggested improvements before it becomes public.

Latest SANS OUCH newsletter is now available. The focus is on securely using mobile apps. Disclosure - I am one of the individuals who reviews the content before it is made public.

Looking for a free fun family activity this spring and summer? Investigate our Science Treasure Hunt. It begins today (April 17, 2021 and ends September 5, 2021. Please share with your family and friends. Children grades K - 8 are eligible to participate. Many thanks to @derek_rucker and Tate Bosler (T6 Software LLC) for their efforts in developing this site.

April SANS OUCH newsletter is now available. The focus is on privacy and protecting your digital footprint. . Disclosure - I review these newsletters and suggest improvements before that are made public.

Managed to catch a glimpse of Star Link satellites deploying tonight. Moving from SW to NE. High in the sky. Lots of light pollution unfortunately.

Latest SANS OUCH newsletter is now available. The focus of this one is on identity theft and protecting yourself. Disclosure - I review these on a monthly basis and offer suggestions before they become publicly available.

Wondering if this is true? Anyone care to share insights? Bitcoin consumes more electriicty than Argentina.

Web Professionals is now offering a Remote Working Professional certification.

Did you know? Remote workers make 8.3 percent more than non-remote workers with the same experience performing the same job In just one afternoon you too can earn your Remote Working Professional International Industry-Recognized Certification using our media-rich training program and certification combined into one online mobile-friendly experience.

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Web Professionals remote working course and certification screen captures and sample certificate

Working with Watercolor Artist Photoshop Action Set. @AdobeCreate Central Illinois scarab beetle (Phanaeus vindex) rendered as a watercolor. This was my first attempt. Your thoughts?

Another attempt using Watercolor Artist Photoshop Action Set. @AdobeCreate Bolivian beetle (Macrodontia cervicornis) rendered as a watercolor. What do you think?

Bolivian sabertooth longhorn beetle photo rendered as a watercolor using Photoshop.

Here is an interesting SPAM which made it past my filters this morning. Of course, the attachment is a ZIP file. Yeah! I’ll get right on opening that one. Oops, deleted already. I have highlighted some of the areas which clearly indicate this is SPAM. I love leaving images turned off by default. Can you tell why I highlighted the items in question?

February SANS OUCH newsletter is now available. Topic is what to do when you have been hacked. Full disclosure - I m one of those who review and suggest improvements to these newsletters on a monthly basis before they are made public.

I ask out of curiousity - what new JavaScript frameworks are you investigating this year? And, why those?

AI is impressive/ scary at the same time. DALL-E is a pretty interesting example. Spoiler alert - AI generates images based on the text you type. Thanks @iusher for making me aware.

Good overview article on color theory and contrast ratios by @teleject Should be especially useful reading for those just getting started in design (and a good refresher for all of us - especially teachers).